The Silk Letter of Hwang Sayong as the most important historical source about the Sinyu Persecution (1801)
Senchischeva M.V.
Hyeonchungsa — a Temple in Memory of Admiral Yi Sunsin
Leshakov P., Protkova E., Samsonova V.
Population Aging and the Problems of Pension Reform in the Republic of Korea
Semina L., Slobodyan D.
The Place of the Republic of Korea in the International Medical Tourism Market
Abzianidze G.
DPRK and SubSaharan Africa: Guns, Monuments, AntiColonialism
Fominyh A., Kulagina V.
Linguistics Means of Korean Advertising Influence on Consumers
Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Editorial Office of Koreanology 32, Nakhimovsky Av., Moscow, 117997,